How to Fix “The Link You Followed Has Expired” Error in WordPress

Fixing “The Link You Followed Has Expired” error

If you have recently installed WordPress, you might get the error that the Link you followed has expired when you try to upload a WordPress theme, plugin, or photos larger than 2 MB. As a new user of WordPress, don’t panic; it’s not a huge error. This error doesn’t give a lot of hints about what’s going on, so it’s hard for beginners to fix. It can be solved in a minute. 

If you are searching for the complete tutorial of fixing the link you followed has expired error, you are on the right site. This article will teach you how to fix this error in simple steps. So without further due, let’s get started. 

Why does the “The Link You Followed Has Expired” error appear?

If you are a beginner WordPress user, you may see this error: “The link you followed has expired.” This is a common problem if you install WordPress for the first time and try to upload a file up to 2 MB on your WordPress dashboard. If you try to upload a theme, plugin, photos, or video larger than 2 MB, you will see the error. This error occurs because WordPress Hosting companies limit the uploading file size.

Many people panic about this error because the error does not say much. But you can understand what is happening by searching on Google. After finding the issue, you can also check how many bigger files you can upload to your dashboard. However, if you are trying to upload a file that is your maximum upload size limit in your dashboard, then you will see ‘The link you followed has expired.’

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How To Fix “The Link You Followed Has Expired”

This error is showing for the maximum upload limitation in your WordPress Dashboard so if you want to fix this error you will have to increase the upload file limitation. If you searching for how to fix this common error you are on the right site. This article will give you three solutions for solving this error. Three solutions are given below:

Increase the upload Limits in the functions.php File Increase the upload Limits in the .htaccess File Increase the upload Limits in the php.ini File

Increase the upload Limits in the functions.php File

If you want to increase the file upload limit on your WordPress Dashboard, you can edit your functions.php file. This functions.php is located in these directories /public_html/wp-includes or you can also get the file in this location/public_html/wp-content/themes/sinatra. After finding the functions.php file edit this file and paste the following code at the end of this file. After you paste the file make you save the file. 

@ini_set( ‘upload_max_size’ , ‘130M’ );
@ini_set( ‘post_max_size’, ‘130M’);
@ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, ‘300’ );

Increase the upload Limits in the .htaccess File

This is the easiest method if you are afraid of editing the functions.php file or if you can’t find the functions.php file .htaccess file is located in the home directory of where the WP is installed. After finding the file, edit it and at the end of .htaccess paste the following code and save the file. 

php_value upload_max_filesize 138M
php_value post_max_size 138M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300

Increase the upload Limits in the php.ini File

If you don’t want to change your functions.php or .htaccess file, you can increase the file upload limits in the php.ini file by changing or creating a new php.ini file.

First, check if your server’s public_html folder already has a php.ini file for your site. You can access your hosting account and files through cPanel’s File Manager or FTP.

If the file doesn’t exist, you can create a blank php.ini file with a plain text editor like Notepad. After creating the file, add the following code to it and upload it to your file manager’s public_html directory.

upload_max_filesize = 138M
post_max_size = 138M
max_execution_time = 300

After you implement one of the solutions given here. I believe you fix the error successfully. Now you can go to your website and try again to upload the file which is more than 2mb.  If it doesn’t fix, try increasing the file limit to match the file size you want to share. If not, you may need to talk to the company that hosts your WordPress site to see if the problem is on their end.


Errors are common for WordPress users. But resolving and correcting common errors is simple. The “The Link You Followed Has Expired” error can be resolved by modifying the functions.php file and increasing PHP resources. You can use the .htaccess method if you do not desire to add additional code to your website. If you like the article or get the solution from this article, please do share the article with your friends.

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The post How to Fix “The Link You Followed Has Expired” Error in WordPress appeared first on Tech Edu Byte.

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