How to add Grammarly Addons on Microsoft Word

Grammarly has been on the market since 2009. It is a complex artificial intelligence (AI) system that has been fine-tuned and improved. It was made by linguists and engineers who used algorithms to find patterns of good writing.

Grammarly says that its AI system checks every sentence for mistakes and looks for good replacements when mistakes are found. The program runs in the cloud. There is both a web version and a version that works with MS Word.

Grammarly gives you an overall score for your document based on the number of problems and mistakes it finds. Then, it takes you through a list of possible grammar mistakes one by one. For each problem found, the system gives both a short and a long explanation.

There are examples of how to use correct grammar in these explanations. In some cases, the system will suggest different ways to say something. But it’s up to the user to decide what changes to make. Grammarly won’t make you. If you don’t like the suggested changes, you can choose to ignore any problems that might come up.

In the web version of Grammarly, users can paste a document into an editing box, choose the document’s style, and click “Start Review” to begin the process.

There is a list of different ways to spell words that are misspelt. A handy plagiarism checker can help writers determine if they accidentally used someone else’s work. The system shows where similar text already exists and suggests citations that can be added to the reader in question to back it up.

Grammarly Free Premium Account cookies.

A synonym checker lets users choose different words and avoid repeating themselves. Grammarly also explains why it thinks you should change something and tells you what kind of mistake you’ve made.

In this article, we will cover how to add Grammarly addons on Microsoft word. I hope this article will help you to add the Grammarly extension to your MS word. Without further due let’s jump into the topic.

How to add Grammarly Extension to Microsoft Word?

To use MS Word With Grammarly premium, you must first install Microsoft Word on your Windows or Mac. Now go to this link and download the Grammarly extension for Microsoft Word.



After downloading Grammarly add-ons for Microsoft Word,please install the downloaded file by double pressing on it. I mean the normal installation way. Complete the installation process like the instructions given below.

Grammarly for microsoft word installtion guide:

First, download the Grammarly addons.

Now install the Grammarly addons on your pc.

After the installation, you have to activate the Grammarly addons on your MS word.

How to active Grammarly addons on MS word?

To activate the Grammarly addons on your MS word, you will have done the process I mentioned above. After all the process has been done now follow these steps:

Open or Create a new Microsoft office word file.

After that, you will see a Grammarly icon in the Right Up corner.

Now press on the Grammarly addons icon.

Now Grammarly asks you for a login.

When you will press the login button Grammarly will automatically redirect you to the Grammarly login page.

Now login to your Grammarly account.

After the log in a popup will indicate you to open Grammarly.

Now press on Open Grammarly.

You have successfully done to add Grammarly extension on MS Word.

Now follow the photos to install Grammarly on Microsoft Word.

This is the one and only method of adding Grammarly addons on ms word. Hope you like the article, if you like the article please share the article with your friends.

How to Grammarly Trial account ?

Grammarly trial is available on in the Grammarly business plan you can get 7 days of free trial in the Grammarly business plan. Grammarly trial is not available in the personal account but you can add Grammaly personal account on the Grammarly business trial account. So that’s how you can use Grammarly as free. If you also searching for Grammarly cookies. You can get Grammarly cookies from our Telegram channel. Also we want to let you know that. Using cookies is not preferable by Grammarly Inc. 

Grammarly Premium Account Cookies


So the actual benefit of adding Grammarly Addons on Microsoft Word is you don’t need to write on Grammarly you can directly write your content on Microsoft word and check the grammatical error by Grammarly on your Microsoft Word. 

The post How to add Grammarly Addons on Microsoft Word appeared first on Tech Edu Byte.

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