7 Best Partner Management Software in 2024 [Free and Paid]

Have you heard about partner management Software? It’s a great tool for helping businesses manage their relationships with partners in sales and marketing.

In this article, we will evaluate the 7 best management software, the benefits of using PRM, and the factors that must be checked before choosing the best Partner management software.

So, without any delay, let’s get started!

 What is Partner Management Software?

In simple words, partner management software is a tool that allows partners to track sales, affiliate incomes, and other related services, thereby ensuring transparency. 

Partner management software offers each partner a private portal through which they can access documents, campaign materials, market development funds (MDF), opportunities, and deals.

Partner management software’s main goal is to optimise the relationship between a business and its sales partners. It distributes opportunities and funds, keeps partners on message with brands, and tracks sales and activities to ensure that the company is not exploiting its leads.

Top 7 Best Partner Management Software

Now that we know what a PRM tool is, however, selecting a perfect PRM software can sometimes be terribly challenging.

Because there is a wide range of management software available, we need to evaluate each properly to find the best fit. 

No worries!

We will do that for you. Let’s dig into the best top management software;

Let’s start our evaluation journey with one of the top management software companies, SalesForce.

#1. SalesForce

Top Pick


Free trial availabilityLead managementProper customisation


No free planHigher cost

SalesForce is known as cloud-based CRM software (Customer Relationship Management). It helps to bring all data together from various sources so that businesses can attract potential customers and convert them into successful leads. SalesForce also connects with customers in a new way with AI, customer 360, and product demos.

Now it’s time to check about it’s specifications;


Market and sales management: The Sales Force helps you integrate all marketing strategies by organising, motivating, and leading the sales team.Sales collaboration: SalesForce easily collaborates with different teams, and it helps improve the customer experience.Salesforce collaboration: You can improve your customer experience with Salesforce, and it allows you to work in various ways within an organisation with your team.Email integration: Salesforce allows you to connect your email with Salesforce for seamless workflow automation by automatic updation of contacts.

What about its plans and price? Come, let’s check it;

Plans and Price

See the plans and price of SalesForce;

Starter SuiteProfessionalEnterpriseUnlimited$25/month$80/month$165/month$330/monthFree trialFree trialFree trialFree trialLead, Account, Contact, Opportunity managementCustomisable reports and dashboardsTerritory management and planningConversation intelligence and sales management

Salesforce also provides a 30-day free trial to explore all its features and decide whether it’s right for you.

#2. Zinfi


It’s global reachAffiliate marketing solutions


Integration challenges

ZinFi Technologies is a powerful platform that has gained recognition in the PRM arena. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that helps increase the performance and profit of enterprises working within the ecosystem. ZinFi has six core sets of applications that seamlessly integrate to form a platform for end-to-end management.


Hyper-personalised workflow: Zinfi offers hyper-personalised workflow automation to tailor each partner’s unique journey.Partner relationship management: Zinfi’s partner relationship management empowers you to manage channel partners effectively.Affiliate marketing management: Affiliate marketing management of Zinfi helps you amplify your brand’s reach by partnering with affiliates who promote products. Opportunity management: It enables organisations to effectively handle the entire lifecycle of opportunities and deals with their partners.

Plans and Prices

Zinfi has not provided any information regarding its plans and pricing; you can contact them directly on their website.

#3. Partner Stack


AutomationUser-friendly interfaceCustomer support


Reporting challenges

Partner Stack is a powerful platform mainly designed to help partnership teams. It helps to simplify the sales process. 
Here, they have their own network of connections from the customer ID number one. Partner stack is also known as the digital hub of SaaS companies.


Recruiting: Promoting your program with Partnerstack enables you to find thousands of potential partners who are already interested In marketing.Create custom through Activate: It allows you to add a publicly hosted URL into your partner’s portal navigation.Report optimisation: PartnerStack allows you to report and optimise the data of your partner program, including revenue, signups and paid customers.Track: For those who want to track your partner, Partnerstack allows you to track the following lead of your partners efficiently.

Plans and Price

Although PatnerStack’s website does not provide information about plans or pricing, you can directly contact them by phone or mail for plans and price inquiries.

#4. Zift Solution


Ease of useScalabilityContent distribution


Limited contentLogin challenges

Zift is a software tool that falls under the category of TCMA (through channel marketing automation). It is designed to provide a comprehensive solution for businesses, particularly those that are channel-driven, by offering cloud-based platforms for marketing. 
This powerful solution enables organisations to achieve better results by streamlining their marketing efforts within a single, easy-to-use platform. With Zift, businesses can drive greater efficiency, enhance collaboration, and achieve their marketing goals with ease.


Marketing development funds: Marketing development funds of Zift solution are the resources that vendors provide to channel to improve sales.Activate tax: Active tax is one of the special features of Zift solutions; it manages a company’s or individual’s tax liabilities.Program enablement: With the program enablement of Zift solution it helps with data management, partner enablement, etc. in one platform.Lead distribution: Once the leads are released through automated email workflows, users will get them directly. This helps to boost the ROI(return on investment).Program enablement: With the program enablement of Zift solution it helps with data management, partner enablement, etc. in one platform.Lead distribution: Once the leads are released through automated email workflows, users will get them directly. This helps to boost the ROI(return on investment).

Plans and price

Plans and prices are not provided on the website. You can connect them directly through phone or email.

#5. Impartner PRM


Wide range of featuresComprehensive solutionsScalability



Impartner is a web-based solution that enhances partner collaboration and effectiveness. Its enterprise web application offers tools such as partner onboarding, lead distribution, deal registration, and partner performance management. The platform provides real-time analytics and reporting, making it easy for businesses to optimise their partner programs and drive revenue growth.


Control: Impartner PRM provides you with control-role-based permissions to access the rights based on company, role or group.Opportunity management: It allows systems to assign leads and projects based on region, bidding, or other factors.Individual portals: Impartner PRM provides portals according to utility; it simply provides a private portal for each partner.Action Tracking: It enables businesses to track actions taken toward a business strategy with their partners.

Price and Plans

Although Impartner PRM does not provide its prices and plans on its official website, you can contact them directly by phone or mail.

#6. GlassHive


User friendlyCost-effectiveEasy to use


Integration complexityBrowsing challenges

GlassHive is a user-friendly web-based application, GlassHive simplifies all your sales and marketing efforts to help you achieve your business goals. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, GlassHive provides you with a range of features that are specifically designed for the IT industry, making it the perfect all-in-one platform to boost your business growth.

Let’s analyse its features;


Automation: GlassHive makes it easy to work on hard tasks with its automation. It automates various tasks to make your team efficient.Integration: GlassHive easily integrates with other platforms used for sales and marketing, which helps for better transparency and enhanced development.Reporting: GlassHive’s reporting helps enhance transparency and provide valuable insights for your sales and marketing teams. Tracking: Within GlassHive’s tracking feature you can easily view how your leads are engaging with your content.

Price and Plans

They provide a free trial for all first users, after that $100 for new users and $49 for added customers. 

Although the website does not show the proper plan details, you can directly contact them for more information through phone or mail.

#7. Allbound


User-friendly interfaceIntegration facilityProper customer supportStreamline communication


Limited reporting capabilitiesLack of advanced customisation

Allbound partner relationship management is one of the best ways to build good relationships with businesses and partners. It has a user-friendly interface and is a cloud-based channel with a sales and marketing platform. Allbound’s user-friendly, mobile-friendly platform allows organisations to provide real-time access to sales, enablement, marketing tools, and resources. It also enables resilient ecosystem growth.

If you want to know about the key specifications of Allboud, then check below:


Monitor partner activities: Allbound helps you to monitor your partner’s activities including their following leads.Partner onboarding: With the partner onboarding feature Allbound integrates with the process of new partners into the platform.Social promotion is one of Allbound’s main strategies. It helps market and promote Allbound Marketing through social media platforms.Enable partners to achieve certificates: After the partners complete the specified learning track, external training certificates will be issued automatically.

Price and plans

Allbound has not provided any plans or pricing details on its website, but you can contact them by phone or mail to explore its wide range of plans.

Important Factors to Consider for Best PRM Software

When it comes to choosing the best PRM software, there are several factors we need to take care of!

Here we are listing some of the key factors that need to be taken care of :

Mobile Accessibility

Always make sure that the PRM software you’re choosing has a mobile-friendly interface. Check whether the software has a mobile app or not, because mobile apps help to enhance the user experience.

Also, security access with 2-factor authentication is an important thing.

Reporting and Analytics

Real-time reporting and analytics features are important things to check before choosing PRM software. Because this is completely collided with business enhancement and development. It helps to know about partners activities.

Check about its security.

Support and training

Support and training are important factors that we need to check before choosing PRM. In this case need to check that the PRM website is providing good support you can evaluate it through its responsive feature and also ensure it provides proper technical support.

In the case of training make sure that they provide Partner onboarding because it helps to make you understand easily and also it promotes your business growth.


It is essential to choose a PRM software that enables Scalability because it should satisfy your business needs and it should have a proper scalable feature to maintain any type of complex business or partners.

Cost and ROI

Everyone has their own cost considerations. So, check the pricing and plans of PRM software to confirm that it’s suitable for you.

In ROI, you have your considerations evaluated first because ROI considerations always aim to be an increase in efficiency, revenue growth, reduction in cost, etc.

Customisation options

When selecting the best PRM software, customisation options play a major role. Because it helps the requires to find their requirements and needs according to that. Some of the options for customisation tools is a user-friendly interface. It’s workflow, reporting nature, etc.

User-Friendly Interface

User-friendly is one of the important features that you should check before choosing. Always prefer a user-friendly interface because it will help in the workflow. 

Integration Capabilities

The success of a platform is based on its management of services. By evaluating the integration capabilities, such as streamlined communication, deal management, analytics and reporting, content management, etc., you can confirm whether PRM software is a good fit for you.

Data security and compliance

Look for PRM software that provides you data security with end-to-end encryption because it helps to protect your partner and data. Compliance with regulations is also important to maintain trust and legal requirements.

Always prefer all the features mentioned earlier before choosing PRM software to make it the best!

How does Partner Management Software Benefit Business?

Partner management software benefits businesses through managing their relation with partners. PRM has a crucial role in enhancing businesses.

Let’s dive into some benefits of PRM;


Payroll can be considered one of PRM’s benefits for businesses because it helps to save time and provide efficiency. It also helps with calculations, payment processing, tax deductions, etc.

It allows businesses their growth and strategic management.

Employee Records

PRM helps to manage employee records through proper records of employees, their absence and presence records, position and salary tracking, performance reviews, internal notes, etc. 

It enhances the communication between the employees and partners.


PRM helps you to find the right employees for your business. It’s not that easy to find the right one, and because of that, PRM helps to find employees through their recruitment process.


Onboarding is one of a business’s main features. PRM helps you streamline your onboarding process, which will reduce costs, increase partner satisfaction, and provide visibility to the entire process.


Training is the best part of PRM software, and it enhances business.PRM has an efficient learning management system that helps to boost the revenue of the business through cost-effective services.

Performance Management

PRM allows businesses to manage all their partners in one place. This improves communication to increase revenue. Because of this feature, it reduces costs.

We saw some benefits of PRM for businesses. PRM is the best way to find good partners and businesses.


What does Partner relationship management software do?

Partner relationship management helps to enable sales and marketing through proper partner relationship management.

Why do I need PRM software?

PRM roles play a crucial role in maintaining business and partners by properly managing sales and marketing. It helps to enhance the business.

What are the best PRM software products?

There is a wide range of PRM software products, including Allbound, Impartner, Zift Solutions, Glass Hive, etc.

Who uses partner management software?

Partner management software is mostly used by businesses and industries like automotive, health, Insurance, SaaS, etc. PRM helps this in their strategic development and growth.

Can PRM handle complex partner networks and Diverse collaboration needs?

Yes. Modern PRM can handle complex partner networks and diverse collaboration needs through their specific features.

What are the costs of PRM software?

The cost of PRM software can vary based on different factors. Generally, the professional type starts from $175+ per month and engages $200+ per month. 


Now we know what performance management software is. In this article, we also shared information regarding the 7 best performance management software, things one should consider before choosing PRM, and the benefits of PRM in businesses. 

We hope that this article gives you a proper idea about PRM. Before choosing it, always evaluate it properly and make sure that it is fulfilling your requirements.

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